King Kong Tools za GOZDRASTVO
Carbide tipped replacement tooth fitting stump cutters from Bandit®
Tooth of the two-piece tool system; with one tungsten
carbide tip
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 10.
Carbide tipped replacement tooth fitting Bobcat
forestry mulchers
Tooth with embedded tungsten carbide tips and two
1/2“ UNF fine threads
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 10.
fiksen zob za Gyro-Trac gozdne mulcerje
izvedba z nabrušenim robom
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 10.
rezilo za Heizohack* stroje
dimenzije: 92 x 50 x 5 mm
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 50.
Replacement tooth fitting Seppi forestry mulchers
Tooth with cutting edge sharpened and one M16 fine thread
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 15.
Replacement tooth fitting AHWI and Fecon forestry mulchers
Tooth out of wear resistant steel, with cutting edge sharpened
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 30.
Replacement tooth fitting Loftness forestry mulchers
Planer tooth out of wear resistant steel with sharp cutting edges and one M18 fine thread
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 16.
Replacement tooth fitting Bradco / Magnum
forestry mulchers
Planer tooth out of wear resistant steel with sharp
cutting edges
Kolicina mora biti veckratnik od 10.